5cladba apvp



  • Hirdetés típusa
  • Átadás
  • Állapot
If you want more quantity, we can offer more preferential treatment. We can provide you with the best price, and we know it very well
Our advantages
(1)Way of transportation:all the air freight.this is the fastest and safest
(2)Delivery time:within 24 hours after your payment.we are also the most efficient and fast (3)Arrival time :in 7 days
(4)Method of payment:bitcoin,western union,bank transfer and so on.
(5)Our company has a new special line and channel. Door to door.Clearance.100% safe delivery to your hands.So we can guarantee the safety of goods.At last it is hard to find a company like us.Believe our long-term cooperation
(6)our after-sales service is very advantageous.if there is any problem in the process of transportation.we will bear all the responsibility and all the losses.Believe we can cooperate for a long time.
We have been dealing with this area for many years, and In Privacy, we have a lot of experience. And During the shipping, If custom take our materials, We will post the new lots. I believe that our cooperation can bring you a good price advantage, and we know enough about this product. This product is very sensitive, you can add individual contact information to facilitate communication.
This is my Whatsapp account: +86 185 0311 4417. Wickr:andy1009
If you have any needs, please feel free to contact me through the Whatsapp and we will provide you with quality services. Could you please give me your contact information to facilitate our communication? Hope we can reach this cooperation.
Best Regards,
Jelenleg nincsenek hozzászólások. Bejelentkezés Legyél Te az első hozzászóló!
    Regisztrálj vagy jelentkezz be a hirdetővel való kapcsolatbalépéshez!

    Vevővédelmi információk
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    A vételárat -adott esetben előleget- banki úton előre átutalni nem ajánlott, ez a folyamat pontos egyeztetést igényel a vevő és az eladó között

    Tárgy megtalálható:
    Megye Bécs
    Város 1020 Leopoldstadt